
Interior Residential Painting

Painting Homes in Portland

Interior painting always starts with solid planning. After our initial consultation and picking out colors, trim, etc., we begin by protecting your furnishings, floors, and carpet. We carefully sand, caulk, and prime surfaces as necessary, ensuring a perfect final project. We will also take the time to properly clean all woodwork to be painted so that the paint adheres properly.

Exterior Residential Painting

Painting Homes Exterior

JM Painting is a fully licensed, bonded and insured painting company serving the greater Portland metro area and SW Washington. We take pride in our work and take extra steps in consulting our customers on the specific look they are wanting with an exterior paint job.
We understand that there are many choices when it comes to painting contractors however our reputation, experience and attention to details makes us the best choice for your exterior painting needs.

Residential Projects

JM Painting is available for your projects

Contact us today and let our team of professionals help you bring your vision to life. A high-quality paint job will add value to your project. Let JM painting help you make best impression.
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